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A Neck The Size Of Juanita’s Hominy

March 4, 2020

A little Wednesday humor…


Okay, I admit it’s a quirky title. But please stay with me a bit and read on.

My wife (with a lovely neck by the way) is an artist who makes all of her own jewelry. She has made everything from rings to bracelets to earrings, all of them exquisitely crafted. She has become a true expert. Recently, she was putting together a new creation, a necklace made of intricate wire. I watched as an eager spectator, wanting to learn her secrets. To approximate the circumference of the necklace, she elected to use a can of Juanita’s Hominy. She gently worked the wire around the can, added just a bit and came up with a stunning piece that fit her perfectly.

I am an artistic guy as well but grounded in Truman-like practicality. When I saw what she was doing, I immediately commented that she couldn’t possibly have a neck…

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