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A Little Allen Family History

July 24, 2020

My mother’s surname was Allen. That seemed simple enough when I was young; it’s not an uncommon name and so I thought nothing particular of it. However, when I was in my late 40’s, I began to embrace genealogy and steadily I uncovered a wealth of information about this simple name.

Allen or Allyn as it was often spelled in Scotland means literally “from the rocks” and purportedly described people you lived in the highlands. I found that my distant ancestor, Samuel Allen, came to the new world in 1633/1634 aboard the Mary and John and helped settle Plymouth, Massachusetts as well as parts of Rhode Island and Connecticut. He was actually the town recorder for Plymouth  and as such I was able to obtain copies of his signature. This is really interesting stuff for a researcher such as me.

This Allen family kept moving on to greener pastures, first to Connecticut and then on to Missouri and finally to Montana and California. I was able to document these unique travels completely beginning in 1634 and ending in the present day.  The family figured heavily in the history of the towns of Buffalo, Missouri and Anaconda, Montana as well. The Allen hand print is firmly on both.

Several years ago, I felt the urge to push the boundaries of our Allen family history even further back in time. I was finally able to fix the family in the years prior and after the Battle of Hastings and even considerably before that. It seems as though this quaint surname figured into the history of France and England in ways in which I had not imagined. The family had actually come to England during the Normand Conquest.

Surnames change a bit throughout history and I found that the Allen/Allyn family was originally named Fitzalan and before that Fitzlaald. Here is a painting of one of my ancestors, Edmund Fitzalan (May 1, 1285 to November 17, 1326) who was executed in the Tower of London.

His son Richard Fitzalan (1307-January 24, 1375) was the 10th Earl of Arundel who married Eleanor Plantagenet.

As I researched my mother’s family even further back in time, I found that the Fitzlaald surname gave way to a variety of other surnames that largely assumed various places of birth (Bretagne, France, Alsace, France, etc). My family tree continues to 55 BC in the person of Francus of Alsace and then onto the Sicambri (80 BC) and Cimmerians (510 BC) and eventually to Troy in the person of Priam (1355 BC to 1283 BC). Beyond Priam, the genealogy becomes suspect to historical interpretation. But imagine my awe at being the 188th grandson of Priam of Troy!

Starting with a simple name of Allen, who knew where I would have wound up. It’s been a lot of work (thousands of hours) and a lot of fun! Allen? Who knew!

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Read author Allen E. Rizzi’s latest books available at


  1. I used to chase the earlier generations, into royalty, but am having more fun fleshing out the closer generations. Guess you’ve done that, too. I especially enjoyed your Horse Whisperers.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Always good to know where you come from… (my ancestors lived near Bruges in the 1600’s). Hope all is well with you=?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sounds like an entertaining and absorbing project!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Amazing stuff, Allyn, or Allen, or . . . Keep ‘em coming! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ronnie Allen permalink

    My father’s surname is Allen and I have also traced history back to the same people you have found. Seems that we are kin. My question for you is, the Coat of Arms you have on this, is that a true COA ? I have found many, but didn’t know which is real.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Krista Elkaissi permalink

    I was wondering if you have access to a cleaner image of the COA as I’m having troubles finding this precise one. My Mom does genealogy and said this is the Allen COA for our ancestors and I’m wanting to make embroidered badges. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sue Allyn permalink

    Hi, would be curious to see more of what you have found.


  8. sallyn2829 permalink

    Hi, in searching I know I had family in England that came to Connecticut, Robert Allyn specifically.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sorry, I have no Robert that came to Connecticut. I do have a Robert (1623-1661) who came from England to Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts.


      • sallyn2829 permalink

        They settled in New London, CT…..Allyns Point in Connecticut, there was a massacre there at fort griswold led by benedict arnold.


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